Our shipping policy ensures that your order is shipped to you promptly and efficiently. Once you place an order, we will arrange for its shipment either through Courier or Speed post. We have partnered with multiple logistics providers to ensure timely delivery of your products.

Our shipping and delivery policy is outlined in the following table:

  • Service: Courier or Speed post
  • Order Amount: Any
  • Shipping Charge: Free shipping on purchases above Rs.500
  • Delivery Time: 6-8 Days

Please note that delivery times are estimates and may vary based on factors beyond our control, such as weather conditions and public holidays. We kindly request that you allow between 8-15 days for your order to arrive. If your order has not arrived after 15 days, please contact us at to check its status.

For information on our Refunds and Exchanges policy, please refer to our Returns Policy.

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